
straight arrow

我们今天要说的三个习惯用语都用来描绘人的忠诚可靠,不偏不倚和品行端正。第一个是: straight arrow。 Straight是直的,而arrow是箭,straight arrow从字面上看是笔直的箭,straight arrow,宁折不弯,当然它作为习惯用语有它的比喻意义。

Straight arrow早年曾经专指白人信赖的刚直的印第安勇士,现在straight arrow被用来泛指任何值得信赖,道德高尚的人。


例句-1:I've decided to vote for Mary instead of that old guy who has been in Washington so long. Mary tells the truth and she keeps her promises - she's a straight arrow all right.


这里的straight arrow指正直坦率的人。


有时候straight arrow也可以说那种一板一眼,过于死板的人。这种人虽然正派可靠,但是也不怎么讨人喜欢。比方说Bob就是这样一个小伙子。

例句-2:Bob is a real straight arrow: he doesn't smoke, drink or chase girls. I guess I should admire him. But I have to tell you one thing: he sure isn't much fun at a party.

他说:Bob真是个古板的人。他烟酒不沾,又不追女朋友。我想我该赞赏他的为人,但是我得告诉你一件事: 要是让他参加个聚会可真叫人腻味。

这里的straight arrow指过于古板而不合群的人。


再学个有类似含义的习惯用语: straight shooter。 Shooter是射手,枪手,而straight在这儿的意思是“正直的。” Straight shooter这个习惯用语把我们带回美国西部的拓荒生活,人不离枪的西部英雄除暴安良,最讲究信义。开发西部的年代早已成为过去,但是这些腰上佩着手枪专打抱不平的好汉: straight shooters, 却留在人们的记忆里,于是人们用straight shooters指那些刚直公正,仗义助人的人。


例句-3:Well, he makes sure we do our work right, but I think he's a straight shooter. He tells us the truth, he's very fair and he's always ready to help if someone has a problem.

他说:当然,他对我们的工作钉得很紧。 但是我觉得他是个仗义的人,他口无虚言,极其公正,而且不论谁有问题他都大力相助。

这里的straight shooter指正直仗义的人。


再学个意义相近的习惯用语: true blue。 True blue原意是纯蓝色,或者说是不褪色的蓝色。这个习惯用语来自五百来年前英国的一个城镇。那里用特殊的蓝色染料印染的布无论经过多少次洗涤都不会褪色,于是人们就借用true blue来指久经考验而忠诚不渝的正人君子了。

好,我们听个例子。这是一位公司总裁在答复他的人事部主任的请示。人事部主任想要解雇老员工 Ed,因为他年迈退化而工作不力。

例句-4:Look, when we met rough times and our other workers were deserting us, Ed was true blue. He stayed loyal and worked hard for us. I say he can stay here as long as he wants.


这段话里的true blue用来说忠心耿耿,始终如一的人。

straight arrow

.straight 'arrow
AmE informal someone who is very honest and moral and who never does anything exciting or unusual
1. Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.

2. Bamboo is this kind of grass. It grows up straight and thin, with branches at the top.
    竹子就是这种草. 它长得又直又细, 顶端长着枝权.

3. For it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away.

4. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them.

5. When the north pole is towards the sun, the sun´s rays shine down quite straight on the northern part of the earth, while they slant down towards the southern part.

6. The arrow embedded itself in the wall.

7. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

8. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

9. Then the sun is closest to being straight above us.

10. The expedition carried a little flour and sugar, but mostly they relied on the fish that Pinero caught with his harpoon and the game that was shot with bow and arrow, using the campfire to grill meat or cassava cakes.
